The Playbook

Understanding the algorithm

Social media are behavioural based platforms. Chapter 1 unpacks the algorithm and how to leverage it for unlock unparalleled social growth.

Find your niche

Practical tools to narrow your horizons and focus in on your perfect niche.

Find your Picasso

Uncover the hidden gems of content ideation with the help of Pablo Picasso and his stolen content vault.

Spin the wheel

Bonus: Spin the content roulette wheel to never be stuck on content ideation again.

Actionable plan for the next 30 days

Put your vault to use and build a viral 30 day content calendar.

How to film great content

Th only guide you need from basic iPhone Settings to taking perfect shot

The final touch

All the apps you need plus everything we wish we knew before starting.

Time to execute

Ready, set, share. Optimise #whatyousay, how you say it and when you post.

"Use the algorithm, don't let it use you"